Histomat: Adventures in Historical Materialism

'Historical materialism is the theory of the proletarian revolution.' Georg Lukács

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Debunking fascist myths # 94: Leon Trotsky and 'the invention of racism' myth

[I am grateful to Scott McLemee and his recent article on 'link rot' for alterting me to something called the Internet Archive Wayback machine, which can recover old internet links that have since rotted away once the original site becomes defunct.  Anyway, there used to be a decent enough blog - I am not sure who was behind it - called 'One Million United Against the [Nazi] BNP' - which carried a generally good mix of anti-fascist material, but in particular carried a useful section on the site debunking 'fascist myths'.  One such myth - that remains popular with racists and fascists internationally - see the recent post by Andrew Brons, the fascist MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber, here for example - is that 'Racism' was 'a word invented by Trotsky, in his 1930 work, The History of the Russian Revolution'.

The One Million United Blog once had a nice little short article on its site debunking this myth, but sadly this website is no more (presumably as the Nazi BNP itself became more or less a shadow of its former self thanks to relentless and tireless anti-fascist campaigning by groups such as Unite Against Fascism) and I - and everyone else on the anti-fascist left  it seems - failed to make a copy of this article at the time.  Anyway, the good news is that thanks to this 'Internet Archive' I can now reproduce the original article easily now on Histomat - with thanks to the anonymous original author, whoever he or she is - in the hope it will be useful / of interest to the wider anti-racist movement.  Trotsky himself of course was a pioneering analyst of the resistable rise of fascism in the interwar period, while for more on Trotsky's take on 'race' and racism, see here, and for more on Marxists and the fight against racism today - including discussion of how the roots of racism lie in the Atlantic slave trade and slavery, see the new book Say it loud ]

The 'Trotsky invented the concept of racism' myth [originally posted on the One Million United website]

The Myth

Nick Griffin [BNP leader]: No it’s because people like the BBC have demonised the word racist and have set about demonising us.
Gavin Esler: Demonised the word racist? There is somehow a good side to racism is there?
Nick Griffin: Ah, it’s a canned term. There’s no good side to racism. If you mean hating people, you’re doing it now. You’re not letting me explain for a start. Racism was a concept invented by Leon Trotsky, a Communist mass-murderer to demonise his opponents and stop people talking about certain issues.

Nick Griffin on BBC’s ‘Newsnight’ 25th May 2007.
on this video from 02:26 >

The Truth

The concept of scientific racial supremacy was invented by Gobineau before Trotsky was born. Trotsky used the term racism to describe it, but racism only became an epithet to describe racial prejudice after he died.

This is a very popular myth with neo-Nazis and other White Nationalists, who especially enjoy pointing out that Trotsky was born into a Jewish family. According to them a Judeo-Communist conspiracy is trying to destroy Western civilization and the white race, etc, etc, etc and invented that word to silence people… yawn. Funny that Nick Griffin should use a staple argument used by anti-Semites isn’t it? It can be found all over the Internet and Griffin was obviously defending his right to be racist by the looks of things. His argument, which is the general one, is that the concept of racism was invented by a Communist to stifle opposition and freedom of speech. But where did Trotsky use the word? There are two alleged sources, the first one is ‘What Is National Socialism?’, published on June 10th 1933.

“The theory of race, specially created, it seems, for some pretentious self-educated individual seeking a universal key to all the secrets of life, appears particularly melancholy in the light of the history of ideas. In order to create the religion of pure German blood, Hitler was obliged to borrow at second hand the ideas of racism from a Frenchman, Count Gobineau, a diplomat and a literary dilettante. Hitler found the political methodology ready-made in Italy, where Mussolini had borrowed largely from the Marxist theory of the class struggle. Marxism itself is the fruit of union among German philosophy, French history, and British economics. To investigate retrospectively the genealogy of ideas, even those most reactionary and muddleheaded, is to leave not a trace of racism standing.”

“On the plane of politics, racism is a vapid and bombastic variety of chauvinism in alliance with phrenology. As the ruined nobility sought solace in the gentility of its blood, so the pauperized petty bourgeoisie befuddles itself with fairy tales concerning the special superiorities of its race. Worthy of attention is the fact that the leaders of National Socialism are not native Germans but interlopers from Austria, like Hitler himself, from the former Baltic provinces of the Czar’s empire, like Rosenberg; and from colonial countries, like Hess, who is Hitler’s present alternate for the party leadership. A barbarous din of nationalisms on the frontiers of civilization was required in order to instill into its ‘leaders’ those ideas which later found response in the hearts of the most barbarous classes in Germany.”

“In the sphere of modern economy, international in its ties and anonymous in its methods, the principle of race seems unearthed from a medieval graveyard. The Nazis set out with concessions beforehand; the purity of race, which must be certified in the kingdom of the spirit by a passport must be demonstrated in the sphere of economy chiefly by efficiency. Under contemporary conditions this means competitive capacity. Through the back door, racism returns to economic liberalism, freed from political liberties.”

The second reference is from The History of the Russian Revolution, written in 1930 and translated and published in 1932. In here the word ‘racism’ does not appear, but ‘racist’ does.

“Slavophilism, the messianism of backwardness, has based its philosophy upon the assumption that the Russian people and their church are democratic through and through, whereas official Russia is a German bureaucracy imposed upon them by Peter the Great. Mark remarked upon this theme: ‘In the same way the Teutonic jackasses blamed the despotism of Frederick the Second upon the French, as though backward slaves were not always in need of civilised slaves to train them.’ This brief comment completely finishes off not only the old philosophy of the Slavophiles, but also the latest revelations of the ‘Racists’.”

So what did Trotsky mean by racism and racist? In the first quotation Trotsky says, “In order to create the religion of pure German blood, Hitler was obliged to borrow at second hand the ideas of from a Frenchman, Count Gobineau”. Who was Gobineau and what were his ideas? Arthur de Gobineau (1816 – 1882) wrote a book entitled An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races in which he proposes that the ‘white race’ is superior and that the Aryan branch of it in Northern Europe was the ‘Master Race’. He also believed race-mixing led to chaos. I bet you thought the Nazis invented all that didn’t you? Anyway, so Trotsky said Hitler created a ideology based on a pure German race and nicked ideas from Gobineau… err, well he did! Trotsky said the Nazis were practising an ideology based on race, which goes without saying is true. He was not trying to stop the Nazis talking about certain issues, he was criticising the concept of their race-based ideology. So if Griffin disagrees with Trotsky presumably he believes the Nazis didn’t have a racial ideology, or Trotsky was wrong to even mention it.

In the second quotation Trotsky says the Slavophiles believe Russians to be inherently democratic, an idea that he rubbishes. He says that also finishes off the claims of the racists. But again he is attacking the idea of racial differences not accusing the Slavophiles of saying racist things.
In both cases Trotsky is commenting on an existing ideology of racial superiority/difference, so he therefore did not invent the concept of racism. No more than the person who invented the word ‘cat’ was the inventor of cats!

Therefore what was the context was Trotsky using those words in, if he only is attacking the idea of inherent racial differences? In the 1930’s the word ‘racism’ meant according to the Oxford English Dictionary, “[t]he theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race”. Which sounds exactly like the way Trotsky was using it. No doubt that applies to his earlier usage of ‘racist’ too.

In fact in the 1930’s, also according to the OED, the word ‘racialism’ (dating from 1907) meant “belief in the superiority of a particular race; prejudice based on this”.

The current meaning of racism, that of prejudice, has only been attached to it since World War II. Prior to World War II it meant the difference between races. Conversely, ‘racialism’ no longer means racial superiority or prejudice. By the 1960’s it had been made redundant as ‘racism’ had replaced it, but William Du Bois redefined it to mean the belief that differences exist between human races. In other words what ‘racism’ meant before World War II when Trotsky was using the word in his writing. A complete reversal.

Therefore the current accusations of racism directed at the Far Right do not mean the same thing as racism did in Trotsky’s writings. The concept of racial superiority itself goes back before Trotsky was even born and he didn’t coin ‘racialism’, which meant in the 1930’s what ‘racism’ does today. Just as if Trotsky mentioned ‘gay’ in his writings he’d have meant happy or colourful, not a homosexual.
The International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism was founded as the The League Against Pogroms in 1927, later became the International League against Anti-Semitism and in 1932 it acquired its present name. Magnus Hirschfeld wrote his book Racism in 1933 (trans. into English in 1938) and is generally credited with inventing the word itself. As he was a gay Jew he isn’t too popular with the Far Right either. So there is doubt as to whether Trotsky did originate the word, but even if he did he was using it to describe something that no-one would dispute: that Nazi Germany had an ideology based on the racial differences between Germans and others.

Trotsky did not invent the concept of racism, it was Gobineau the grandfather of Nazi racial politics!

One last little thought: why would people like the BNP, who aren’t apparently racist, object to the very existence of the word? If they weren’t racist and neo-Nazis, why would they say the word has no legitimacy because a Communist invented it? If you did away with the words ‘racist’ and ‘racism’ that would significantly reduce the stigma of such behaviour. So why would the BNP want that if they aren’t racist? Presumably for the same reasons they want to abolish the Race Discrimination Act: they want to be able to be as racist as they like, with no legal or moral impediments.

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At 3:06 am, Blogger Rich said...

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At 11:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:44 am, Blogger alan B'Stard M P said...

wrong, Gobineau was considered the father of race theory

Trotsky made it something to be ashamed of in his attempt to ruin monocultural societies, as societies generally were then

Fascim worked and while there is no excuse for their atrocities, they committed many less than the communists, often led by Jews

At 1:54 pm, Anonymous Jakester said...

"Trotsky made it something to be ashamed of in his attempt to ruin monocultural societies, as societies generally were then"
Yeah, what was there to be ashamed of concerning Nazism? LOL, what a dork. You Nazis and racists always seem to use the Communist, claiming that since you didn't murder as many as they did, you are somehow better.

At 2:37 pm, Anonymous Bill Rogers said...

But the communists are actually "better" because they murdered more?

At 2:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it called when you love your nation and want to preserve your culture? See in south Africa you are then called a racist. I do not think i am better than any one, nor do i think my race / nation is better or worse than any other. I simply would like to preserve my language, traditions etc.

At 6:03 pm, Anonymous Duncan said...

Jakester. More like Jokester

At 2:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In English translation, it looks like Trotsky is referring to a definable movement in then-recent history, one with pretentions to modernity ("latest revelations") and a strong if contested self-identity ("Racists" with cap R and in quotes).

Accurate? And if so, are there extant examples of such a "latest revelation" in the press, science journals, phamphleteering, judicial decisions? Just who were these cap-R quote-marked "Racists" whose "revelations" were efficiently demolished by Marx's aphorism? Or are these indica merely a quirk of translation?

At 2:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:25 pm, Blogger NotSmall said...

When a person resorts to name calling, he has already lost the debate.

At 8:25 pm, Blogger NotSmall said...

When a person resorts to name calling, he has already lost the debate.

At 2:56 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 3:28 am, Blogger Kip said...

You proved what you set out to disprove.
Nobody, including Nick Griffin, claimed that Trotsky invented racism itself, just that he named and framed it as an opposition ideology to shame those who wished to preserve their ethnic heritage, or place the needs of those who are more closely bound by genetic above those more distantly related.
When you can frame discussions in such a way as to make the other side look evil, you can win the culture war without need of courage.
Modern leftist academia is the glowing example

At 7:16 pm, Blogger Anonymous said...

This is literally the most useless debunking blog I've ever seen.
I also find it hilarious how by wanting you to slander Nick Griffin you have defended one of the evil men in history.

At 1:36 pm, Anonymous Eoin Palmer said...

More commie deflection

At 10:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 4:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um it says he invented the WORD racist not the concept of it you ignorant ass.

At 7:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it called when you love your nation and want to preserve your culture?

Depends.......If you are White, then you are a Racist.

If you are not white, then you are right for wanting to preserve your race/culture.

At 5:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are white, then your culture is already the dominant/default one in a lot of places. It generally reached this position by suppressing other cultures, sometimes quite brutally. And this is to be celebrated?

If you're other than white, and any of your culture managed to survive, that's worthy of celebration.

If you're uncomfortable with this, it might do you good to look in the mirror for a bit and think about why.

At 11:05 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:10 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

"Trotsky says, “In order to create the religion of pure German blood, Hitler was obliged to borrow at second hand the ideas of from a Frenchman, Count Gobineau”. Who was Gobineau and what were his ideas? Arthur de Gobineau (1816 – 1882) wrote a book entitled An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races in which he proposes that the ‘white race’ is superior and that the Aryan branch of it in Northern Europe was the ‘Master Race’. He also believed race-mixing led to chaos. I bet you thought the Nazis invented all that didn’t you? Anyway, so Trotsky said Hitler created a ideology based on a pure German race and nicked ideas from Gobineau… err, well he did! Trotsky said the Nazis were practising an ideology based on race, which goes without saying is true. He was not trying to stop the Nazis talking about certain issues, he was criticising the concept of their race-based ideology. So if Griffin disagrees with Trotsky presumably he believes the Nazis didn’t have a racial ideology, or Trotsky was wrong to even mention it."

So, obviously if the Nazis believed in racial inequality, it must be wrong, eh?

It looks like you're agreeing with Trotsky that racial inequality is a myth? Science is proving you wrong. Boas, Montagu, Gould, Rose, Lewontin, et.al. have assiduously (and unsuccessfully) tried to debunk any research that shows racial differences, but their theories are losing ground as genetic research shows significant differences, broken down in the traditional groups we know as 'races'.

At 3:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Race and Gender are Biologically real and the differences are very important.

At 12:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true.

At 12:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true.

At 7:02 pm, Anonymous samir sardana said...

The Golden Era of India was under the Scythians,Mongols,Huns and the White Man

It is the White man is God – syndrome.

The Rig Veda records that the Hindoos Gods were white skinned , with golden hair and blue eyes ?!! The world has not seen an Indian with Golden Hair and Blue Eyes.

Where could they be from ? dindooohindoo ! The Answer – It is the White Man ! Which is Y the Indians loved being ruled by the White man and admit that those days were better and long for the same. That is Y Indians and Goans love cleaning Toilets in UK/USA/EU – Look Mama – White man gave me a 10 pound Tip !

Hindoos accept that the White man is the Master race. In essence, Indians are like cyber and white collar coolies for the white man and they are happy in that role – unlike the PRC.

The “Rig Veda” refers to its Dindoo Gods as “Golden haired,White skinned with blue eyes” !

1.1.7 Mantra 7 – Indra (Author: Madhucchandas Vaisvamitra)

 Indra hath ever close to him his two bay steeds and word-yoked car,Indra the golden, thunder-armed.

1.1.79 Mantra 79 – Agni (Author: Gotama Rahugana)

He in mid-air’s expanse hath golden tresses; a raging serpent, like the rushing tempest:

All that the Indians have achieved is due to the whiteman ! That is the record of History ! dindooohindoo

The Hindoo “owe it all” to the “Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair”

The “Hindoo Gods and the Inspiration” for the Hindoo ” of the “RigVeda” are all “Whitemen with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair” (Like Limpet Limpdick Indra etc)
It was the white Scythians with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair, who”brought horses and chariots”, into the shit hole of Dindoosthan, for the Hindoo
It was the white Romans with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair,who built the “gold chest” of the Hindoo (by importing the shit silk and spices)
It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair,from whom the Hindoo “copied the chronology of all the Kings of the Puranas”
It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair,like the “Greeks and others”, from whom the Hindoo “learnt about Krishna ”
It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes from whom the Hindoo learnt about “animal worship – Nandi and Jallikattu”
It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes,from Persia, from whom the Hindoo learnt about “Fire Worship and the concept of the soul” and the “land of Persia” , described in the “Rig veda” as the “land of the Aryans”
It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes from whom the Hindoo learnt about “astronomy and the basics of the movements, of the planets and stars”
It was the “French and American Generals” (General Jean Baptiste Ventura and Jean Francois Allard) in the army of Ranjit Singh which won the Khalsa wars – with EU artillery and cavary – else there would have been, no Khalsa Military success, ever
If the French and American Generals “had not been” in the army of Ranjit Singh, the “Khalsa would have been destroyed by the Mughals”, before the Brits raped the Khalsa,and the “Mughals would have gained in strength, to drive out the Brits” – converting the Hindoo into Muslims
It was the “Brits who destroyed the Mughals” – else these Hindoo would be Muslims toay
It was the Brits who “taught English” to the Hindoo
It was the Brits who laid down the “education,railways, administrative and bureaucractic process”,for these Hindoo ( sample the Engineering Skills)

At 7:09 pm, Anonymous samir sardana said...

Part 2 of what the White man did for the Indian Niggers.dindooohindoo

It was the Brits who “planned,structured and executed the army and airforce”, for these Hindoo
It was the Brits who “brought modern science” to these Hindoo
It was the Brits who “institutionalised the Martial Race Theory”,in the Military
It was the Brits who “educated Ambedkar, who wrote the constitution” for the Hindoo
It was the Brits who “educated and trained Gandhi” and “built him into a Global Icon and Brand” – else the Hindoo /Africans, would have devoured Gandhi,a long time ago
It was the Brits who taught the Hindoo “how to eat with a spoon and a fork ”
It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair,who brought the”condom” the Hindoo
It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair from Communist Russia – who “gifted all the space and military technology”, to the Hindoo and built the infrastructure for the Hindoo
It was a Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair,”Max Mueller”who introduced the Hindoo to the world
It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair from Communist Russia,who “prevented the rape and pillage” of the Hindoo by the “Chinese and the Pakistanis”
Which is Y the “Hindoo are only fit” to “drink Gau Mutram” – which is Cow Piss Cola


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