Histomat: Adventures in Historical Materialism

'Historical materialism is the theory of the proletarian revolution.' Georg Lukács

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Is there a future for the Labour Left?

A historic pamphlet from just after the defeat of the 1983 election, written by Pete Goodwin, Is there a future for the Labour Left? A Socialist Workers' Party Pamphlet, is now online at the Marxist Internet Archive.  Wags might say, today a more appropriate pamphlet to read would be 'Is there a future for the SWP? A Labour Left pamphlet', given the massive rise of Corbynism over the past year or so.  However, for those Corbynites willing to defy Tom Watson's edicts and interested in what a 'Trotskyist' analysis of the Labour Party might look like, this little SWP pamphlet is not a bad place to start...  the conclusion however - that a revolutionary socialist organisation independent of the Labour Party needs to be built - may come as somewhat of a shock to those who believe Tom Watson's dossier on hard left entrism...  and may even convince some Corbynites to read some more Trotsky for themselves ... and who knows where that could lead? 

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At 10:33 am, Blogger Unknown said...

"today a more appropriate pamphlet to read would be 'Is there a future for the SWP? A Labour Left pamphlet',".
Nice to see a bit of self-deprecating humour, very much part of the IS tradition, but all too often missing from the self-righteous polemics of recent years.


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