Histomat: Adventures in Historical Materialism

'Historical materialism is the theory of the proletarian revolution.' Georg Lukács

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Where was Blair?

When future historians wonder at Israel's bloody siege of Gaza, they might ponder on what the hell the official 'peace envoy' to the Middle East was busy doing at this precise point of time. Felicity Arbuthnot reveals the answer:

The 1.5 million souls to whom Gaza is home are entrapped, with no place to hide, pounded from ground and air, by tanks, F-16's and Apache attack helicopters (courtesy of the “land of the free”) in a reign of terror unleashed by "the only democracy in the Middle East". As little Gaza is set to become the next Sabra and Shatila massacre (with the advanced warning ringing round the globe) the world's governments deafen with their shameful, craven silence. War criminal turned Middle East "peace envoy" in our Kafkaesque world, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair Q.C., was unconcerned, taking a break from his stressful life counting his piles of ill gotten gains, holidaying at an African game park owned by Virgin Airways founder, Richard Branson.

To quote Bruce Forsyth, 'didn't he do well ladies and gentlemen?'

Stop the War - March on March 15

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